
Blocking Board (another ford project)

A couple of years ago I crocheted this sweater. I needed a blocking board to block the squares so it would have the right shape. I searched for board on-line and even went to some local stores but the prices were way to high for foam board covered with fabric with lines on it. Especially for the size I would need to block sweaters and such. So I blocked the sweater by eye and as you can see it turned out well. Well enough to win me a blue ribbon.

But I still wanted a blocking board but I wasn’t about to pay the price they wanted for them commercially. So I pondered it for awhile and then it occurred to me that a gingham or plaid fabric would work for what I needed.

G bought me a piece of foam insulation at the local home improvement store, I cut it to the size I needed and then covered it with a scrap piece of quilt batting I had in my crafts closet. I pulled it tight and pinned it around the edges with straight pins, then glued the batting to the back. Then I covered over that with this gingham like print fabric and again I pulled it tight and pinned it around the edges until I could get it hot-glued to the back. It works like a charm.

That’s a little crocheted pot-holder I found at a local thrift shop, I washed it and then blocked it so it would hold its shape better. Eventually I hope to work out the pattern for it, when I do I’ll post it for anyone who’s interested.

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