
Ultimate Gift for the Gadget Junky

It’s our family conundrum. What do you buy the family gadget junky. You know he already has every gadget on the market.

G has every gadget known to man. He started collecting gadgets in his youth and still has most of them. We have gadgets from every decade. We have gadgets in every drawer, cupboard, cabinet and closet of the house. We have techie gadgets. We have mechanical gadgets. We have gadgets for every need, both real and imagined. We have gadgets for our gadgets.

But even knowing this proclivity of his it’s still hard to know what to get him because the market is always being flooded with gadgets and of course we always want to get him a gadget that he’ll truly enjoy.

But this past Christmas K truly excelled and came up with the ultimate gadget. This gadget is not only the latest and greatest but it’s awesome to look at as well.

I sure you’re wondering what makes this gadget so wonderful

, just exactly what does it do and why anyone would need such a contraption.

Well friends the answer is; Nothing.

That’s right, this gadget does absolutely nothing. And that’s exactly what makes it the ultimate gadget.

But you have to admit it’s pretty awesome to look at ;o) Makes him look a bit like Mad Eye Moody, don’t you think?

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