
I could have kicked myself

Have you ever picked up a decorating or crafting magazine and seen something you had thought of doing but then thought ‘that’s silly’ or ‘no one but me would like that’? I have. In fact today has been full of those moments. I had some errands to run in town and afterwards I rewarded myself with a trip to Barnes and Noble. While the girls in the café where preparing my lunch I went a picked up a few magazines to scan through.

Both of the two décor/crafting mags I picked up had not one, not two, but several of ‘my’ ideas in them. Ideas I was too timid to follow through with because I thought they were silly or no one would like.

I’ve had this problem since childhood and I know exactly where it stems from. I was about 11 and I wanted to decorate the outside of an envelope to a letter I was sending a relative. My grandmother (who raised me and was a loving woman but didn’t have a lot of vision) told me it was foolish and she wouldn’t mail it if I did that to it. Since that day I have questioned every decorating/crafty decision I’ve ever made, it has truly handicapped me.

But I believe that as long as a person is breathing there is hope. It’s my goal to overcome this handicap and start just following the leading of my creative spirit. The web has been a very good encouragement to me; more than one crafty blogger has inspired and encourage me to not give up.
I would like to share some of them with you. I hope that you too find encouragement and inspiration in these blogs because these women are truly amazing.

This is just a short list, there are so many more and I'm sure I missed someone but I'll be sharing more in the future. These will soon be added to my side bar under blog candy with the other crafty ladies over there that inspire me.

I resolve to stop second guessing myself and turn my ideas into reality no matter what anyone thinks of me. As one of my friends says… What are they going to do? Take away my birthday?


Kelee Katillac said...

Hi Pamela!

Thank-you for commenting at the Katillac Shack!!
Appreciate your spunk and being the first one to call me on my "bigoted" bait statement!

I have been waiting for weeks for someone to say
" Hey! Just because someone has a nice home--it does not make them necessarily unconscious!

Bravo for your curb traveling in your Mercedes!

And--I understand about your Grandma's statement and its affect! She was just a person with a erspective that was shaped by her elders and times in which she lived. Just a person.

You a are juts a person that will break the cycle of another person's limitations. That you will do becuase ou are a curb-shopping revolutionary!

love, kelee

Kelee Katillac said...

Pamela--sorry about the typos. i am not wearing my glasses!!